Case studies
This is an app design for an ingredients preview app for a pet food delivery service. The app provides a fast and simple way to browse, compare and order pet food. The focus lies on the presentation of the ingredients so users can easily decide what to take. The possibility of creating a profile for the pet and getting extra information will also be included.
Duration: March 2022 - May 2022

Responsive Website for a Flower Ordering Process
The procuct provides a simple and easy way to order flowers, with various options to choose from. It was designed for desktop and mobile view.
Duration: April 2022 - June 2022

App "Little Cook" and a responsive website
The product is an app with cooking recipes for kids and a responsive website with further information on eating healthier and book cooking classes. There will also be an option to donate for cooking classing or volunteer to give cooking classes.
Duration: May 2022 - August 2022